Also in this section...

Dress For Success... With Men
Red Lipstick
Easy Skin Care

The Courtisanerie


 Ladies, commit this to memory: Men are visual.

They’re not going to approach you for your sparkling wit, loving nature, or kissing ability. That’s the stuff they stay for. But to get them to stay, you need to get them, period. You’ve got to get beautiful and this site (plus a billion and seven others) can show you how.

But first, here’s your mantra: It’s not what you have that matters. It’s what you do with what you have.

Let me repeat this: IT’S WHAT YOU DO WITH WHAT YOU HAVE.

The aim of this section is not to teach you how to apply your blush or tell you what color lipstick to use (well, not completely…) That stuff is available for all over the internet, in magazines, in books, from friends, on billboards, and so on and so forth. The aim of this section is more basic: we want to teach you the principles of attractiveness. They’re pretty simple.

Be Healthy
Whatever you are, be healthy. Eat healthy food. Get enough sleep. This is so basic, but so neglected! Exercise. Take time to relax. Drink lots of water. You know the drill, and if you don’t… well, Modern Courtesan is happy to help. [hyperlink to healthy living article].

Be Appropriate
Be appropriate for the situation. Don’t wear a cleavage top to work or church, and do incorporate shiny stuff when you’re at a party. Be appropriate for yourself. If you feel stupid in bubble skirts, don’t wear them. If you find a bright purple top that makes you feel like a goddess, by all means, put it on! Whatever you do, dress in a way you feel at home and attractive in.

Be Confident
This is the absolute most important thing. If you’re confident, you can wear anything and look like anything and people will still be drawn to you. (No, really. The last two times a guy asked for my number, I looked like crap but was feeling good about myself. Confidence covers a multitude of visual sins.)

That’s all, folks. You could probably stop reading right here, but if you want to head back to the shallow side of the pool, there are a few things I can teach you…